"Look at that chicks tetons! i wanna ride my midnight express through them mountains of looove!"
by Baggot October 13, 2004
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A national park created in 1950 largly due to the generosity of the rockefeler family. Gigantic breath taking mountains with georgeous lakes at their base. The name comes from the french fur trappers who, after being in the wilderness for several years saw the mountains and thought they looked like breasts. Grand=big Teton=breast
My family viseted the Grand Tetons this summer. It was amazing!
by wyoming February 14, 2005
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Used by lonely, horny French beaver trappers in the American frontier to descibe a. a range of large pointy, snowcapped mountains in modern day Wyoming; b. the mountains where the trappers first took a mountain goat to wife;
"Ou la la, Pierre! I am missing my girlfriend so much. Those mountains are like her Grand Tetons!"

"Ou la la, Madame Le Goat! Give me some of your Grand Tetons!"
by Don August 5, 2004
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Go to Jackson Hole Wyoming and you will find OTTO BROTHERS BREWING CO. Brewed in Jackson Hole Wyoming since 1988. It's all about the beer!
Teton Ale Otto brothers brewing co is a great brewing company!
by Charles R. Gregg August 30, 2007
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