Often spelt "Team" by pussy soccer dads?
Kid: Why are we doing passing drills?
Dad: 'Cause there's no I in team
Ref: Don't listen to him kids. There most certainly is an I in teim. Now go hog the ball you little bastards.
by Illinois November 30, 2006
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A group or assemblage ostensibly cooperating for a common purpose in which each individual is primarily self-interested.
If human nature dictated spelling, there certainly WOULD be an "i" in team. The only question is whether it'd be tiem or teim.
by Pbaddy September 10, 2010
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1: the act of sexual intersourse
2: foreplay leading up to intercourse
3: non-threatening suggestion to have intercourse with someone
Brian: "Hey, is it sexy teim yet?"
Rin: "Not tonight hun, I have a headache."
Brian: :C
by RIIIINNN71209 April 21, 2010
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