A synthetic form of LSD (AKA Acid). "Synt"(Synthetic)+"AX"(Acid), SYNTAX is an idiotic abbreviation for a poorly concocted and relatively safe street drug.

While LSD is known for being synthetic, this form is an altered form, known as LD-427 instead of the classic monikor "LSD." It has not currently been banned, but the government is in the process of banning the substance.

The drug is believed to be created by Internet statistician, Chip Piazza.
by jeffiebeam February 5, 2016
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Short for Syntax Error. When someone says somthing that makes no sence, or is so unspecific, that the meening is lost.
Guy #1: Did you see that show last night

Guy #2: Syntax; Unknown Title.
you get the idea
by Unsigned Entity October 13, 2004
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The order in which words or phrases are placed on a computer.
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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v. (Present active. Past tense: Syntaxed) The act of a person pointing out mistakes in another person's code not related the ideas itself but rather to the construction of the code in the current language. Generally considered pedantic unless explicitly solicited, since modern compilers will do this by default, and some IDEs even point out the error prior to compile time.

Related to syntax (in the programming sense). If the syntaxing is pointing to a correct case, the case is a syntax error. When a compiler throws the error, it is a compile-time error. When the IDE points it out, it is a compile warning.
No, Mr. Gates, when I point out the critical logical faults in your programs I am not syntaxing you!
by VerbMaker August 22, 2010
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The most fucking irritating thing that can happen on a calculator. You press all these numbers and you THINK it's the right button to press but really the calculator's been LYING to you and you've really fucked up big time, but it waits until you've pressed the = button and then it flashes with 'Syntax error' which is basically calculator talk for "FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKED IT! NOW THE REST OF THE CLASS CAN ADVANCE TO QUESTION TWENTY-THREE WHILST YOU ARE STILL TRAPPED AT TWENTY-TWO, YOU INADEQUATE CALCUATOR-USER! I HATE ALL YOU STAND FOR AND YOUR WAY OF LIFE!" etc etc.
Jill was in her Maths class and she was working out a really hard equation involving logorithms and algebra n shit on her CALCULATOR. She had put in all the numbers and just pressed the = button when BAM! SYNTAX ERROR.

Jill: Fuck!

Jack: What?

Jill: Syntax error!

Jack: Fuck! Oh well, you'll just have to redo all your work. No biggie.

Jill: No biggie my ass! I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!
by funkie_chick87 October 16, 2005
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The continuous "raping" of one or more languages. This is, but not limited to:

-1337 speak.
-Misspelling more than 4 words in one -sentence.
-Purposely misspelling words.
-IM Speak.
-Choosing not to use the correct language.
User A: Hello, how are you today?
User B: o i r t3h ub3r pwnzor, get ur butt out
User C: Hey, User B, quit contributing to the Syntax Genocide ~__~
by Ryuzaki_Yagami/Konoha777 September 4, 2008
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The process of intentionally vitiating the arrangement of words and phrases with excessive jargon (especially Fedspeak) with the aim of misleading.

In the case of Fedspeak, it results with the media in opposing camps interpreting the inscrutable gobbledegook in vastly different ways leading to further polarization of the Joe Public. Now with Joe Public beclouded by partisan interpretation, interpreting inscrutable gobbledegook under the false pretenses of inbringing clarity to the Fedspeak's inscrutable gobbledegook.
Alan Greenspan's syntax destruction made it seemed like he answered the question, but in fact he did not. In reality he responded with inscrutable gobbledegook.
by MaxwellMurdoch October 25, 2020
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