sport that sounds sexual when talking about it. usually swimmers are best at sex (duh!)
about diving: throw yourself into it!

about backstroke starts: go under, give it four or five good hard thrusts, and then extend out ouf the water as hard as you can!
by genna January 25, 2005
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One of the very best ways to work your whole body, whether for your heart, to lose weight, correct your back and posture, increase libido, or to develop lean muscle and lung volume.

The swimmer's physique is considered by many to be the most attractive body type. Injuries are extremely low compared to other forms of exercise and you can most definately tell you're getting a workout instead of getting shin splints or something.
Runner: I feel so violated, what about you?
Swimmer: I feel like the fuckin' Fly after he teleported himself.
Runner: I feel so violated.
by madmaxxx March 23, 2005
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going hard. making the boys proud. diving into the deep end not caring about a single consequence.
“Dude did you see Matteo at the club yesterday?”
“Hell yeah. dude wasn’t holding back. he was totally swimming”
by swimgang September 21, 2019
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a sport that gets you in shape but is in some cases extremely boring. many people prefer waterpolo. many dont see the point of swimming as hard as you can to one end of the pool, only to turn around and do it again. how ever many times you signed up to do it. swimmers always say they hate it. yet, when their friends ask why they still do it, they say they don't know.
'i HATE swimming. going to swim practice is like the LAST thing i want to do right now.'
'then don't go.'
'i have to.'
'i dont know....'
by swimming sucks major butt February 23, 2005
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A sport in which guys get to be in the same pool and rub them selves up against girls that are half-naked while the boys are wearing a piece of cloth that resemble panties
by Bow down to santa November 18, 2005
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Being one with the water. Stroking. Diving. Underwater swimming. Back floating. Water All of these are examples of things people do when they swim.

Swimming is basically a combination of floating and stroaking and movement while in the water. Knowing how to swim and doing it regularly can be fun, tirding, healthy, and can also save your live in the event of an emergency on the water. People do it in lakes, pools, oceans, etc.
Hey lets go swimming.
by 1069 November 8, 2005
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1a):A poor excuse to see hot half naked clad girls wet and tired.
-Caveat- There are also fat chicks
2a):A sport that everyone says they love but at practice they contemplate suicidal thoughts.
3a):An aphrodesiac used for female adolescents.
1a): Dude u can see that girls nipples!
1b): UGH!
2a): I love swimming- Why did i come to practice today?
3a): I'm so tired after that 100 free, im gonna go have sex now
by Dannypoo November 13, 2005
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