The Swastika almost always gets mixed up with the Nazi symbol called the "Hakenkreutz" in which the outter lines go off right of the X.

Hakenkreutz (Hah-kain-kroyt-zuh)
Swastika (Ger): (Zvah-shtee-kuh)
"Es schau'n auf's Hakenkreutz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!"
by Anonymous July 26, 2003
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The swastika is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles either right-handed or left-handed. It is traditionally oriented so that a main line is horizontal, though it is occasionally rotated at forty-five degrees, and the Hindu version is often decorated with a dot in each quadrant. The earliest appearance of this symbol dates back to around the 5th millennium BCE. It came to be a universal symbol of good fortune, harmony, and protection. It is a cross-cultural symbol that was used by ancient American Indians, Hindus, Buddhists, Vikings, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Mayans, Aztecs, and Persians. For most cultures a right-handed swastika (with the top arm pointing right and the bottom arm pointing left) represented life and good luck, while a left-handed swastika (with the top arm pointing left and the bottom arm pointing right) represented death, evil, and bad luck. Counterclockwise movements are thought to send energy out (white, bright, emanating) while clockwise movements are thought to pull energy in (black, dark, devouring). Buddhists outside of India started using left-handed swastikas because the right-handed swastika was used by the Nazis. Early Christians used it as a symbol of the cross, possibly as the cross in a disguised form. In Asia it is still used to designate a church on maps and the Kanji for 10,000 is derived from the swastika, which was associated with 10,000 gods. Many Hindus and Buddhists still consider it holy. The name is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, coming from su- meaning good or well, asti meaning being, and ka meaning little. Thus swastika means little thing associated with well being. A German archealogist named Heinrich Schliemann had proposed that the swastika was a specifically Indo-European symbol and this theory had become popular for a while leading to much use of it in the West between 1880-1920. It was because of this that the Nazis took up the symbol in the early twentieth century, seeing it as a symbol of the Aryan race. Of course, not only is the symbol not a specifically Indo-European symbol, but the Aryan race is a myth (the term Aryan refers to people that were linked linguistically, but who were genetically very diverse). It is lamentable that such a beautiful and powerful symbol has been perhaps irrevocably tarnished and entangled with racism and the holaucast.
Some form of the right-handed swastika is found in almost every culture as a symbol of life and prosperity.
by Freiheit November 25, 2005
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A symbol that used to stand for good things back in acient times. Then that dumbfucker Hitler had to used it to symbolize the Nazis. It has become a symbol of racial hatred and ovensiveness.
I hate all those asshole skinheads who tatoo a swastika on their arms. It's really just stupid.
by Anonymous June 28, 2003
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Swastika is a sweet person with amazing intelligence and Loves all types of art
Swastika is a good friend
by Jgvudisbftahbs April 4, 2021
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In the esoteric world the different variations of the Swatika has a deep spiritual meaning. In laymans terms it goes something like this: The horisontal line represets counciousness/mind. The vertical line represents energy. The four angeled "end lines" signify the movement of the Swastika. The righthand and lefthand schools of tantra disagree upon which versions of the Swastika is beneficial or not. But they are in agreement that the one spinning clockwise represents creation, and the other the movement back to pure consciousness. The lefthand tantrikas rejoice in finding illumination through entering the world fully. Maxing the stimulation of all senses until transcendence occurs. The righthand tantrikas seek to withraw from the world to find unity with the Parama Purusha (supreme counciousness). Hence the quarrel which version of the Swastika is the "good" one.
The swastika is an integral part of the symbol of the tantric cult Ananda Marga, and the centerpiece of the Great Lamen of the magickal order Vajra Ordo Templi Orientis.
by Shri Gurudev SvaBhavaNath February 4, 2008
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It dosn't matter what the Swastika used to mean, in today's context it is a symbol of extreemist nationalism after being corrupted by Hitler as the symbol for propogating his Nazi party and ideology of a superior race. This ultra nationalist and anti-religious belief brainwashed millions of Germans into doing completely unreasonable and unthinkable acts in the name of a suposedly infalible fuhr who was not to be questioned. Dissidence was unaceptable under this regiem. This movement began by planting seeds of good intentions, but was quickly corrupted and used as a tool of mass murder.
Any person wearing the swastika imediately associates themselves with extreemist left-wing warmongering Nazi ideology, the enemy of peaceful developing nations.
The swastica represents an atrocious disregard for human rights, dignity, and life.
by Adrian March 22, 2007
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The symbol of the Nazis and usually used in hate crimes.

The symbol painted on the back of Riverbend Square, except backwards, by Chase Rodrigue.
That Chase Rodrigue can't even draw a swastika the right way!
by Rob. February 2, 2003
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