A gathering of five or more Alanis Morissette fans.
I refuse to go to Lilith Fair, it's a total Supposed Former Infatuation Junket.
by KritianBoy April 7, 2017
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Long, southern way to say the phrase “I guess.”
Guy 1: Hey, you wanna go to the Mexican restaurant later?
Guy 2: I Reckon it is Suppose
Guy 1: What?
by CaptainSivDad April 30, 2021
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Acceptable word replacement for "Supposedly", as we recently learned from the oxford dictionary.
Supposably the hot sauce was enough for 16 tacos but Adrian used it all on 3 of his.
by Wills McWilly Face March 25, 2021
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A better way of saying should in the past tense. A better way of saying various lines like “required to”.
You are supposed to do the tile work.
What am I supposed to do with that?
You were supposed to do that three weeks ago!
by Juneberry You June 13, 2023
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I cannot contact you in any way and, therefore, cannot threaten you with anything here.
Hym "I have not threatened anyone as you are not supposed to be able to see this. I am nit communicating with you in any way shape or form and if YOU are communicating with ME or interacting with THIS it is EXPLICITLY INTENDED to mirror the delusions of reference commonly associated with schizophrenia and is done explicitly as a form of cooperative gaslighting and harassment AND your ability to do so is contingent on a surveillance apparatus set up around me by people who have no authority to do so. If it was a crime you would be taking me to court. Therefore, you must get more out of this than you would taking me to court. You will submit to legal recourse or I will murder a child. I was also fired while striking so that is cool. Ummm. Yeah. Chop chop. I'm going to be a lot less sympathetic to people who advocated for the continuation of a bizarre and cruel violation of my rights and the theft of my property the longer this continues and I agree to NO CONDITIONS until I've been credit and paid in accordance with my contributions. Die today please."
by Hym Iam August 20, 2024
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A person that is a supposed rose is a person that may have anxiety, that's quiet, or is shy; especially in social situations. They may seem to be rude or may come off as an arrogant snob, a thorn on a rose. But they're not. They are a supposed rose.
Man, I used to think she was a jerk, but she's a supposed rose.
by SupposedRose March 4, 2019
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