stoner food

1. A food whose taste that, when consumed while stoned, is considered by the stoned individual to represent the pinnacle of gastronomic delights.

2. An appropriately broad term that refers to a highly individualistic and subjective range of foods and tastes.
Typical exchange using the term Stoner Food:

Stoner One: Dude, we should get somethin' to eat...

Stoner Two: Ya bro...I could go for some tacos right now...

Stoner One: Fuck tacos dude...We should get a fuckin' pizza...Like, maybe a Hawaiian or some shit. No! BBQ! BBQ's the shiznit!

Stoner Two: No way dude...Tacos or you're driving...You drive, your choice...

by Jdog1 September 15, 2008
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stoner food

frozen meals and cereal is stoner food, they're easy and dont require alot of brains to make.
jasons frezer is full of hungry-mans, what alot of stoner food
by July 16, 2004
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stoner food

Background. I dunno. My friend Chris. Cuz' he is a nerd. Definition: Apparently cheetos and cocoa pebbles. Lol.
Me: Mm. Cheetos and cocoa pebbles.
Chris: stoner food *panda smiley*
by Tia April 18, 2005
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Stoner Food

Any random combination of random food stuffs that would not seem to go together.
Some examples of stoner food:

A chocolate sauce, peanut butter, and ranch Dorito sandwich.

Or a Pop Tart with Easy Cheese on it.
by McBum April 22, 2010
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stoner friendly food

any food that does not take much or any time and energy to prepare and eat
stoner friendly foods do not include things like hershey kisses, they are wrapped and take too much mind power to open when baked off ones ass, stoner friendly foods do include foods like chips that u only need to open once
by Pillsbury419 December 31, 2005
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