'seriously' spelled without the vowels.
used by lazy people on the internet.
iNtErNeTmAnIaC1: dis site is teh BOMBZORS!!!
InTeRnEtMaNiAc2: SRSLY dude!
by whatserface December 1, 2007
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For people that cannot spell seriously.
The bastardization of "seriuosly", even though I don't get why they just can't type out the whole damn word. God. It takes like .5 more of a second. It's usually used by "scene" kids, in order for them to sound even stupider then they already do.

I mean srsly do you expect anyone to believe this definition if the author cant spell the original word?
by Cyprio January 18, 2006
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The lazy, n00b way of typing "seriously". Just remove the vowels and voila.
Dylan: I think I'm gay
Me: Srsly?
Dylan: Yeah
by Kylowned September 10, 2006
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'Srsly' or better known as 'Seriously' is the '1337' (Leet) way of saying seriously. Most online multiplayer gamers will use it because 1337 is almost a fashion statement.
"Dude! I just got 3 headshots with 1 bullet!"

"Omg! Srsly!?"

by SidLol November 4, 2008
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The bastardization of "seriuosly", even though I don't get why they just can't type out the whole damn word. God. It takes like .5 more of a second. It's usually used by "scene" kids, in order for them to sound even stupider then they already do.
Kid 1: Yesterday I found an old hairy man in my backyard. He bought me a flower.
Kid 2: srsly?
Kid 1: No. Go away.
by Swatii. December 9, 2005
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