a totally hardcore badass with a beard
man, michael is a squidgy steve
by squidgums October 25, 2008
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its this black squidgey stuff yeh...
Peng shit.

kinda squidgy like :P

Customer: oi bruv, you got any Squidgy black?

Dealer: nah bruv, smoked all the Squidgy black.

Customer: Jokes man
by Lewie Lewie Lewie October 28, 2007
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Occurs the morning after a good lash on the wife beater (Stella Artois)and doner kebab. Confident crop dusting in the office is soon bought to a halt, when ones' kex are suddenly and explosively filled with gelatinous clarts.
Sorry lads, I'm going to have to leave the course because I've just loaded my undercrackers with Squidgy Pyapps. It feels like a flock of sparrows have just landed.
by TANTI - (SHAUN WARD) June 3, 2004
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the term used by gay men in referernce of females gentalia
eeeww i dont wont to know bout your squidgy bits emma!!
by blake the man July 29, 2006
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Guy A: DUUUDDDEEE!!!! That chick I took home last night gave me some squidgy penguin!!!!

Guy B: NO WAY?!?!?!?
by Miss Ass Panda December 14, 2009
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An adjective describing something squeaky, sloshy or creates a “skirt- skirt”.
This sponge is sooooo squidgy! 😝
by LilyLilyLilyLilyLilyyyyyyyy!!! February 4, 2021
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