A Spiderman is somebody who either speaks in a racist Indian voice, pretends to climb walls like Spiderman or is just a complete idiot. It also means Vegan in a tree
Person A: Hey dude, look at that weirdo!
Person B: Yeah, he speaks in a really racist voice. Look! He's trying to climb the wall. Stupid
Person A: You mean Spiderman, right?
Person B: Oh yeah! He's a Spiderman!
by despacito2isimminent April 5, 2019
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When a woman put's herself in a crab formation upside down and proceeds to suck him off while balancing on one hand


Lazy version - women laying upside down on a bed and a sucking a guy off while hes stood up

Made by shannay day
How did last night go ?
Well we was watching spiderman then i found out thats not the spiderman she was talking about
by Gingerlogic March 3, 2022
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(verb) the act of collecting insects (preferably spiders) and putting them into a jar which will then be presented to the your sex partner after ejaculating (anywhere you choose) and then dumping the jar of spiders on the impact zone, then jumping around her/him saying “thwip
person 1 : I cant belive my boyfriend came on my face and them dumped A WHOLE JAR of spiders on my face and then jumped around the bed pretending to be spider man!
person 2: Oh you didnt know? thats actually CALLED the spiderman, I wish MY boy friend would do that to me!
by noodlesoupsandwich November 17, 2021
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When your getting a blowjob and you pull out right before climax. You say "thwip" then you blow your load on their mouth sealing it shut.
Dude, I totally did the Spiderman after my bj.
by The spiderman September 19, 2018
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when you wake up the next morning after a one night stand and the girl is still in your bed so you go into a spider-man like pose with your feet towards her and push her off.
Jake: Yeah, this girl was still in my bed the next morning so I had to SpiderMan her out of my bed.
Drake: Oh man, you totally SpiderMan'd her.

The SpiderMan, when you push a girl out of your bed after a one night stand
by urbanboy12515 August 27, 2018
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getting drawn on by other people when you pass out at a party. the design they draw is like spiderman.
She got so drunk and passed out on the couch so we spidermanned her.
by spiderman-er June 23, 2010
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