An optimist; one who thinks humans can possibly give up their greed for the betterment of the world.
Socialism is a dream impossible for humans because they are greedy bitches.
by Kaladbolg June 30, 2003
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Someone too weak and lacking in will to accomplish anything on their own and thus require big government to steal from others and supply them with a decent lifestyle.
Bernie Sanders supporters love being socialist because they want everything for free and have no motivation to earn it themselves.
by DanTheUrbanDickMan January 23, 2019
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1. An individual who supports the ideology of socialism, which aims to give workers control of their industries. Socialism can be revolutionary or peaceful. This is not to be confused with Stalinism (state capitalism) or communism (utopian egalitarianism).
2. {U.S.} A person who disagrees with conservatives on three issues or more.
1. Bernie Sanders is not a socialist; he isn't left-wing enough!
2. Following:
Grandpa: Did yall vote for that Kenyan lee-brul?

Me: Yes, I did.
Grandpa: And yall support ObamaCare?
Me: I'd prefer single-payer.
Grandpa: Yall are a lee-brul, ain't yall?
Me: No, I'm a progressive.
Grandpa: Yall are a socialist.
by not_the_bern March 28, 2016
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I paid 100 dollars to a dirty Socialist to suck my balls off.
by Germolene June 16, 2007
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Someone who beats a conservative in a debate and is some one who is not conservative
That socialist wants everyone to have free stuff
by Pandora215 October 2, 2019
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Someone who believes that they have the right to be generous with your wallet. Not to be confused with a communist, someone who avoids falling under the definition of a thief by making it impossible to own anything.

Successful socialist countries include:
Adolf Hitler was a National Socialist. He believed in exactly that, socialism on the national level; the right to the resources of another country.
by RD8 March 28, 2021
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1. A person who gains from the government but never gives back

2. A tax-evader
Wow, jerry over there never pays taxes. He's a real socialist.
by x_pogboy July 30, 2021
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