When you talk to someone and they completely ignore you until after you try to get your point across. Usually happens between two co-workers when one does not pay attention to the other because they are in their own little world. They usually follow your last word with a quick and abrupt "huh" which at that point the initiator of the conversation has to tediously repeat himself. Sometimes this happens twice with the same main idea.
I was telling my co-worker of a funny incident that happened this past week and they just Vangi-Snoozed on me and paid me no mind.
by mikey4179 November 24, 2010
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The art of turning snooze off on your alarm after being woken up, and going back to sleep in the hope that your body will be the only alarm you need. Often goes disastrously wrong when you wake up and your lecture started 20 minutes ago.
1) "Sorry I'm late for the meeting boss, but I was so hungover this morning that I decided to do a risky snooze and I didn't wake up till your secretary rang, you're cool with that right?"

2) "Hey, where'd you get that black eye?"

"Well I slept with my mates wife, I was gonna leave before he got back, but I was tired so I had a risky snooze just before he came in"

3) "You look fresh"

"Yeah, I totally had a successful risky snooze"

4) "You're forty minutes late for your exam, you will not get the time back"

"But I have an excuse"

"What is it?"

"I went for a risky snooze but didn't wake up in time"

"That's okay then, don't worry I'll talk to the chief examiner about this"

5) The thought process goes -

I'm wide awake and ready to face a new day.

*turns off alarm*

*sits up*

Actually I'm still quite tired.

*lays down*

The alarm is SO far away, screw it I probably won't fall too much asleep.

*wakes up*


by ugotpauld December 8, 2011
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The period of time when one's desire to stay in bed is so strong they repeatedly hit the snooze bar on their alarm clock, without conciously being aware of it.
Sorry I'm late guys, my snooze control lasted for 30 minutes this morning
by VHosey December 24, 2006
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To repeatedly hit the " snooze " button on ones alarm clock
Last night I was awake til 4 am masterbinating to bacon-wrapped midget pegging porn, so when my alarm went off this morning, I snooze pumpered it 16 times, which is why I was late to my job as a monkey loader.
by Dragonwolf November 23, 2018
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Someone who constantly abuses the snooze button in the morning.
"Why were you late again to work"

"Because I hit the snooze button for over an hour"

"You are such a snooze whore"

by Mojo R.C. August 12, 2007
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the act of relying on yourself to wake up after you turn off your alarm, and not using the snooze button, usually resulting in falling back to sleep. most of the time accidental
Hey man why are you late for work today?

I'm totally sorry, I was freestyle snoozing.
by Easy76 April 22, 2010
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