When your taking a crap and you realize there is no toilet paper left and you have to move to the next stall in order to wipe.
Me: Took a shit today and there was no toilet paper, had to pull a cheek sneak, it was a close one

You: You are a true bathroom ninja
by Bathroom Ninja February 26, 2010
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A type of fart that is done while sitting, the one-cheek sneak is done by leaning to the side to let the gas excape. Very handy when sitting on a smooth, hard surface while wearing shorts, to prevent "hovercraft" sounds.
To avoid disrupting the classroom, Johnny let out a one-cheek sneak, and nobody was the wiser.
by Turnspike February 12, 2003
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n - In a sport where a goalie is involved, such as hockey, foosball, or soccer, scoring a goal by banking the shot off the back of the goalie.
Mark: I can't believe that shit went in, he just threw it at the goalie on a hope and a prayer and it went in off his ass. What a tool.

John: no dude, it was planned... the only way to score from that angle is the back cheek sneak.
by The Hag April 18, 2013
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the act of quietly squeezing out a fart when sitting down by leaning to the side slightly and raising one cheek.
My girlfriend always knows when I fart because even though I do the one cheek sneak, I always give it away with my farting facial expression. Not to mention that the room also smells like a fucking animal died in there!
by the prophet March 27, 2003
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An attempt to pass wind without making noise when in a seated position by leaning to one side while tensing one butt-cheek.
I had to fart in court so I busted the one cheek sneak.
by hoot rider November 19, 2009
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When both of a girls buttcheeks are hanging or "sneaking" out of her shorts.
In Florida, all of the common girls on the street have double-cheek sneaks.
by salohcin July 22, 2013
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To create a distraction with your hands on the right side, and discretely pass serious wind from the left side of your buttocks.
"an atrocious smell came from dave's left side while he was fixing his papers on the desk to his right, must have been a left cheek sneak"
by Eric Parma-John September 1, 2007
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