37 definitions by the prophet

Adopted brown kid from El Salvador with mild case of cerebral palsy.
Look at Tic-Tac, he's c-blockin again!
by the prophet April 10, 2003
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a torn pair of tighty whities mounted on a stick with a brown streak down the middle
the french are such pussies, look at their army's goddam flag.
by the prophet March 26, 2003
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a product designed to clean your colon from the inside out.
I tried colonblow and I took a 5 foot dooty.
by the prophet April 7, 2003
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Extortionist who shakes down big buisness for donations to his phony "charity". Also fathered a child with a woman who works for him and paid her $400,000 out of his Rainbow Push Coalition.
by the prophet July 30, 2003
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disciple of the prophet, sent to earth by the prophet to sell non rated california muni bonds to rich old people.
Homo Slice sells all those tobacco settlement bonds, but he can't stop the prophet from hittin on his mom.
by the prophet March 26, 2003
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1. One who tries to smuggle another man's bone.
2. A homosexual. One who puts his penis in another man's ass.
3. A fugdepacker.
4. Fag
Garret Rustand is a bonesmuggler.
by the prophet June 26, 2003
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a woman who works in an office and whose sole goal is to halt your production and occupy your time with meaningless administrative garbage.
The evil compliance lady made me send a disclosure form to myself once, disclosing something to myself that I myself had just done. What a bitch!
by the prophet March 26, 2003
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