snail mail

Using the regular postal service as opposed to e-mail; suggesting that the service is as slow as a snail.
My uncle send it by snail mail.
by language changes March 15, 2005
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snail mail

Etymology: Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert
(n) conventional mail in which a letter or package is physically delivered by a postal service, esp. when the object mailed could have been sent electronically via email/e-mail and arrived at the destination instantly
Paranoid about "hackers" spying on him, my boss insists on sending all correspondence via snail mail, which means I can't use my spam filter to ignore him.
by BeardedFatass January 9, 2004
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snail mail

something strongbad does in his weekly routine.
I gotta snail mail in my pocket, and I think it's starting to melt.
by john smead February 12, 2005
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Snail mail

Tax funded delivery of trash to your apartment daily, except on Sundays and certain holidays, all year long.
by SDLynn May 5, 2017
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Snail mail

Snail mail is mail that is being sent from overseas bound for the United States
Snail mail is mail that is being sent from overseas bound for the United States.
by jimbomcc June 1, 2017
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Snail mail

Postal service used in 1800s-1930s era that usually took a few months to transport mail
Thanks! No more snail mail!
Cheetah mail? Or snail mail?
by Billiam Beaver July 5, 2016
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snail mail facial

When you ejaculate into a container and mail it to the recipient who then pours it on their face.
Gave that bitch a snail mail facial last week.
by Hngrdngr October 14, 2014
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