A thick layer of dark grime engorged within the cracks of ones teeth. It kinda looks like shit is stuck in their teeth.
Lawrence had so much snaggle encrusted in his teeth, that you practically go on a archeological dig in his mouth.

b. Lawrences snaggle was so thick that you grow crops in his teeth.
by RZ from the big L December 27, 2003
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Something that is nasty and messy and not cute.
Get your snaggle feet off my bed, whore!
by Sara kimbrough February 24, 2006
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a cocaine head who texts too much and smokes multiple packs of parliaments
kristen...you snaggle!!!
by WOLL May 25, 2006
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while playing beer pong it is the first cup on the top of the pyramid that has not been hit and is separated far from all the other cups.
"you better hit that snaggle, ill hit the next cup and we'll bring it back"
by laurendmitt September 18, 2008
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n. ) short for snaggletooth ; it's an ugly bitch who thinks she is the hottest shit alive. Signs of knowing/being a snaggle include: the person talks shit about the same person they'll be hugging five minutes later, they change friends every weekend, they're overall ugly ..w/ bad taste in poofy hairstyles, and they raid the house for beer to fit in, even though they're not going to drink it.
if you see a person with these symptoms , RUN
She just asked me to save her some beer and a bogie.
Wtf ? What a snaggle, she doesn't even DO that shit.

Why is she hugging that girl? That snaggle was just talking shit about her.

Kay : Have you seen snaggle's hair today?! It's bigger than a beehive!
by Nat P. February 24, 2008
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snaggles: same as snaggle tooth abrev. for this definition: really messed up teeth.. crooked as hell. really big sharp crust teeth..
that guy is all snaggles..
suuup snaggles!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005
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To take something from some one without asking for it. Mostly done in a quick fashon with or without someone watching
1. Did you see Jamal, that ass-hole snaggled my toilet paper
2. I just got a new movie, I snaggled it from Jesse.
by NastyMammoth June 6, 2007
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