Being slashdotted means that a huge influx of Internet traffic has come upon a website as a result of its being mentioned on Slashdot, a technology news and information site.
See also: slashdotted
See also: slashdotted
Goddamnit. They found my pictures of the Mountian Dew bottle I turned into a computer... fuckers slashdotted my server.
by trypnotic May 21, 2003
When a web site becomes virtually unreachable because too many people are trying to access to it after the site has been mentioned on another web site. The term was born at the Slashdot nerd news service. (
"I can't load the page, the site must be slashdotted"
"You got the Google cache? The site's slashdotted"
"You got the Google cache? The site's slashdotted"
by Anonymous November 5, 2002
by dfvgtr May 3, 2018
When a website experiences a surge in user traffic to the point of grinding to a halt. Often this results in web masters having to foot huge bills if they pay by bandwidth.
by wiggles May 21, 2003
1. An immediate surge in hit rate on a webserver caused by an announcement on a high-traffic website; a Nivenesque "flash crowd".
2. An unintentional denial of service to a website as a result of a surge in hit rate following an announcement on a high-traffic website.
See also: slashdotted
2. An unintentional denial of service to a website as a result of a surge in hit rate following an announcement on a high-traffic website.
See also: slashdotted
Bill Joy's _Dangers of Lego Blocks_ site succumbed to the slashdot effect scant hours after going live.
by Tarrasque November 19, 2002
A.K.A. Slashdotting, Slashdotted, etc.
Refers to the effect a Slashdot post has on a website. Because of slashdot's gigantic audience, any link placed there quickly goes down; very few sites can handle such huge traffic coming to their site.
Refers to the effect a Slashdot post has on a website. Because of slashdot's gigantic audience, any link placed there quickly goes down; very few sites can handle such huge traffic coming to their site.
Though the slashdot effect is similar to a denial of service, most webmasters don't mind the huge publicity and traffic to their site.
by progamer124 May 12, 2004
Exactly the same as the slashdot effect but much more fun to say. To be slashdot slapped is when your website is listen on slash dot causing a huge spike in traffic.
Many of these sites can not handle the extra thousands of hits and go down, that is being slash dot slapped.
Many of these sites can not handle the extra thousands of hits and go down, that is being slash dot slapped.
"O man, I totally got slashdot slapped, I shouldn't have posted those pictures of the new Xbox 720."
by Lusty McLester November 17, 2005