A cigarette - tobacco rolled up in paper, inhaled when lit on fire for the purpose of getting buzzed
I'm gonna have a shmag real quick before we bounce.
by joeyr October 21, 2006
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Noun)Any condiment placed on food

ADJ) Anything on ones self that does not belong there and/or causes a mess or stain
(N)Shmag) Are you going to put any shmag on your hot dog

(ADJ)Shmag) Dude you have some shmag on your shirt
by neutron212 October 21, 2004
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The cheesy substance that grows under the foreskin of an uncircumcized penis. It is sometimes referred to as a moldy fungus because it is. It truly is.
I was giving my Protestant boyfriend head and I choked on his shmag.
by Yosel April 17, 2007
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like shmacking........like a snack but ur slapping it
like schmacking........like a snack but ur slapping it
by Vinny & Paul September 14, 2004
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A way of saying a cigarette if prompting to go have one.
Anyone wanna go for a Shmig Shmag?
by Placenta Pal January 11, 2012
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1. Sexual frustration
2. A type of french cheese
3. A species of frog
4. "Homie" or "friend"
Ahhh! I suffer from shmag!

Mmmmmm this shmag tastes gooooood!

The shmag hops along in the rainforest.

Hey, how's it goin shmag?
by Alessandra "Less" Recine March 10, 2003
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A nickname for a kid who has an uncircumsized weiner.
Did she suck on your Shmag Pipe last night Mike Perry.

Hey it's Shmag Pipes Mcgee.
by Johnnybot2000 February 15, 2006
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