combintation of shit and "aight" witch is a combination for all right"
when your twisted drunk and someone demands you drink another beer you would answer by saying shight
by Andy November 30, 2003
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The Dark Shight, derived from "The Dark Knight" depicts Batman's infamous uselessness in the comic world.

Batman was not born with super powers, he just has a lot of money and a butler.
"Eoin, Batman is NOT a superhero."

"But Dee!! He is! Waaaahhhhhhhhh"

"No, he's nothing but the Dark Shight!"
by Dee_dawg November 29, 2011
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spelled and pronounced as Shite, its a way to not actually say the expletive form, but indicate you were going to use it.
Shite! My hand just exploded.
by DIM November 29, 2003
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not much, not a whole lot, etc
Man 1: Hey boi, whaz crackalackin'?

Man 2: Shight. I just bin sittin around all day.
by D to da O to da DOUBLE N A December 1, 2003
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A misspelling of the word "shite" which is the (profane) slang term for fecal matter as spoken by those in the Brittish Isles.
An' I tol' me mate, it's a bunch of shite.
by sweet_red_grrl November 26, 2003
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Aw shight i ruined the table cloth.
I took a shight on the table cloth.
by KoVaH November 28, 2003
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