One who consistently shares their time on the porcelain throne with all of their friends Via SnapChat.
My friends list on snapchat is full of Snap Shatters. All I ever see is turds.
by TheGirlBird March 2, 2014
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something sexual, like everything coined in Asylum 669
Merek: "Im fine, thanks:)"
Eliza: "Glad to hear that, I'd still solo shatter you tbh"
by urbandictionary61561 May 11, 2021
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When a Reinhardt uses his ability (earth shatter) to kill one person
by vzairu July 21, 2023
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A joke that is subjectivly viewed as horribly unfunny.
"Never share that joke again, it was a real knee Shatter."
by BudgeFilm February 21, 2020
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dumbass nigga jackson dropped a boal during among us
person 1: brb, boal shattered
person 2: really nigga
by chink monkey November 3, 2020
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From the ancient greek "Shatteraehandi" literally translates as "a place where people go to care so little it hurts sometimes".
Person A: Did you hear what such-and-such did?
Person B (followed by several hundred others): This is Shattered Hand, who cares?
Person A: but...whine whine whine...
PErson B: This is my care face...see it care
by Tangee March 9, 2007
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