by Passion November 30, 2003
by supercalifradilisticexpiallydo March 2, 2010
A combination of the words 'sleek' and 'sharp'. Used to describe...well, things that are sleek and sharp, like a cool phone or watch. Can be used to describe most 007-ish gadgets.
by Elvi January 2, 2008
The nickname for the Porsche 928, the 'flagship' model
of the line, 1978-1995. Awarded the European Car of the Year
of the line, 1978-1995. Awarded the European Car of the Year
by macreel February 21, 2007
Someone who "bites" constantly, or consistently copies other rap artists' lyrics in a plagiaristic form.
by TommyNoleBuc August 25, 2007
by Brad M March 15, 2005
by FishyFrog May 9, 2022