shade in

1. Piss off, get the fuck outta here, go away from my window, live at your own chosen speed...
2. go hide your shit face in sum place, don't walk in the light, stay away from my sight
(could be very sweardy ifu add "(...)you cunk !")
3. A shade-in is the undercover asshole best friend sweet lady boobasss bitch neighbour fellow man broda & sista cunk who'll bust yu up right in the fuck! You can trust nobody in dis damned buzness...
1. Abwoat:
"Say Coasty, yu could have washed some dishes, yu cunk modasucker lazy bitch!"
"Uh! common yu, shade in, will you? Get dis shit off of me!"

2. Abwoat:
"In that movie Matt Damon was an undercover agent for the narcs!"
"Di Caprio was one too, fucking shit minds shade-in"
Abwoat laughing his guts off.
"What's so funny about that, yu 'tard?
"Yu've just said"Caprio was one too" One! Too! that's the funny motherfuckin'point, don't look at me like that, asshole!"
by Slangherinthenight May 22, 2008
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Shade but No Shade

Keeping it Real, Stating the obvious, bringing light to questionable behaviors in a “non-judgmental” or slightly comical way. At times, when necessary, can be used to be condescending. The phrase can be placed where ever the user feels most appropriate “throwing” shade… in a sentence. This phrase gives the user a “pass” for saying something that may typically be viewed as off-putting/ offensive.
Example1: I was in a meeting with Tommy “shade but no shade” his breath was making my stomach hurt…

Example 2: Why did I see Brandon out on Friday “shade but no shade” I think he was with another woman.

Example 3: Shade but no shade, those pants need to retire…

Example 4: Wait, Tammy lost 50 pd., lost her job and was seen a hott mess... is she smok'n, shade but no shade
by Educated Hater January 28, 2014
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A light comment with slight disrespect towards an individual
Rose threw shade at Mona when she said there isn't a guy in her degree program Mona hadn't kissed.
by Rogue Babe March 11, 2016
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acting in a casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend
by Anonymous April 1, 2003
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Sun glasses but it sounds cooler.
Person 1; Nice shades
Person 2; Damm straight
by cartman5000 August 7, 2004
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no shade

No offense; don't take this harshly but...
Girl, before I accept this check Imma have to your bank to make sure it can go thru--no shade.
by (0_0) April 7, 2017
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Casual or disrespectful manner towards someone/dissing a friend.
Becky: Girl yass you look fierce in that wig, but it would look better on someone else. All tea all Shade
by Amari Nieh December 22, 2016
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