I hope they don't check for DNA in his room. I schmeed on his bed.

Hey dummies, you can't pee with a boner.......
by Rhubesic February 2, 2004
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Hey everyone stop shooting at schmee!
(On the phone) Hi honey, it's schmee!
by Bob March 31, 2004
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A word some people use for the back of the knee. This is a lie. These people are not to be trusted and should probably be ridiculed.
Evil Person: Hey guys, did you know that the back of the knee is called the schmee?

The World: Leave and never return. You only work to hurt those that you love.

by RJ Coolenstein November 5, 2006
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diarrhea; runny poop with cramping abdomen and explosive-style bowel movement; known to be very fragrant
Maybe that chili cook-off wasn't such a hot idea- I've got the worst schmee!
by Kelsea Chelsey November 7, 2006
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to fuck or blow some hairy dick longer than 10 inches.
"My boyfriend's hairy dick got a major schmee from me last night," said Meaty pussy.
by SamwgdscljavsOZXgcvaosdjlHZXVb February 10, 2009
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a cigarette, smoke or type of smoking tabbacco. Usually used by 'closet smokers' or sometimes smokers. Since other people dont understand what it means. A schmee is something sacred and underappreciated. One must NEVER joke about the act of sschmeeeing because the said schmeer may get really offended and angry. You never joke about that..
guy 1:" wouldn't mind a nice SCHMEE!"

evsdropping guy 3: "whats a schmee?... "
by australiaschmee November 19, 2010
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