A person who come from nothing to something.a person who can lose all and get it all back. A vicious person that is loyal to what they stand not taking shit from anyone .
The way her n him birthed the hood is savage
by realsavagerollin60 December 4, 2016
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Basically meaning "cool" or "awesome"
Aww, how savage is that!
by CarAMeL September 24, 2004
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One who cannot behave in a manner consistent with civilized society; One who emits primordial noises reminiscent of orangutans in African Rainforests; One who lacks basic concepts of hygiene and of cleanliness in public areas; One whose mental and physical characteristics suggest de-evolution and/or an experiment in genetic engineering gone seriously wrong.
1. "Chris and Thomas"

2. "God damn it, my roommates are savages."

3. "Those savages look out of place here, we really need to help them by releasing them into the jungle somewhere."

4. "I'm sick of savages masquerading as humans."
by K.F. Gauss May 15, 2005
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A word once for things that were uncivilized, but now what is used for the modern generation of sluts and trendhoppers to call themselves, thinking it means badass and awesome. They're basically calling themselves primitive people.
moron: im super savage i did this thingy now i savage! XDXD
intelligent person: look it up on a dictionary.
moron: *kills intelligent person* I SUPER SAVAGE NOW XD
by Walking Catfish March 21, 2017
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When a person is doing very good in some thing.
Holy shit u c Joe playing ball down there? Damn son he's savagin!


Yo lets go play some halo so i can savage that shit.
by mike241 August 5, 2006
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1 : When someone does something that roasts or makes fun of someone or something while not even trying to.

2 : When you do something so awesome that it is the only thing you can say.
Damn, you a savage the way you roasted that kid bro!!!!!!
by BadAssBella December 12, 2016
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A person who acts like a wild animal; any person of below average intelligence or looks. A savage is often a funny person to observe in their natural habitat.
That guy sure eats like a savage!

Arian Trinidad is a great young savage.
by Lance Utkor August 30, 2006
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