by Rob D. October 19, 2003
Used in street racing. It means to be cheated out of a race or the opponent purposefully slowing down so the margin of victory seems smaller then it actually was.
by Stik E March 6, 2007
A sexual act in which 2 people are having intercouse on a beach and the male ejaculates inside the woman, thus getting her pregnant; after which he throws sand in her face and runs away, laughing hysterically, hereby leaving the woman blind, and knocked up. Can be found most often during spring break.
by Foghat May 10, 2004
After recieving oral sex, you ejaculate on to the girls face. Then you proceed to throw sand on her face, and it sticks.
by Spot March 10, 2004
by lmaomofo September 13, 2011
Grabbing an ugly girl's large breasts as she dances with her back to you. Similar to brown bagging, but you forgot your bag so you turn her around instead and grope her breasts in drunken pleasure. Sand Bagging may result in hogging.
by Hogalicious! January 3, 2007
A lot of heavily loaded trucks will be "Sand Bagging" while driving up a steep grade( a large hill or mountain)
by Timothy D. Wilson January 1, 2008