A guilty pleasure pussy. A pussy that’s real good you can’t stop going back. Usually an ex’s pussy
She got that rock bottom pussy. I gotta go back for more.
by JokDok April 3, 2022
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Hobo 1: Mmm that nasty ass rock was good

Hobo 2: bitch
by Kanye Southeast January 5, 2023
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it will obliterate you in .5 seconsd
oscar: hey have you heard of the rock cock killer 9000? It is a great tool

rayan: no i have not what is this product
by THE J!!! March 10, 2022
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A social gathering of people to participate in a multitude of different activites. The act of Rock Banding usally begins with one subject being the focus of the time. But as the event continues actvities will change often as the participants grow bored with the previous event. On occasion multipul events will take place at the same time allowing for people to move between activites.

Planning of the event will usually be done quickly. People often receving notice of the event less that 12 hours before the event, if not right before event begins.
"Dude we all went Rock Banding last night over at this one guys place. We all started listing to music but wound up playing Football in the back yard."
by bioguy7 June 15, 2009
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The act of male or female sexual stimulation, by rubbing up against, or grinding on a sofa or bed, to achieve sexual pleasure.
“Jesus Christ! I just went over to Mel’s to surprise her with some flowers and the bed was shaking...she was doing rocking billy again!”
Dirty bitch!”
by tellinyanoooow August 15, 2019
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To give rocks means not to give a shit about something. It's the same as giving bones.
John Fetterman gives rocks about what the squad thinks of his pro-Israel policies.
by BChatz June 17, 2024
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