2 definitions by BChatz

Shitsweat is the liquid excrement that seeps down your legs after a hectic gym workout. This typically occurs when you've taken a fat shit and failed to wipe up effectively.

The result is that when you enjoy a massive leg press session, or a pulse-pounding benchpress workout, sweat forms between your ass cheeks.

That my friends - is shitsweat.

It can't be treated with Gold Bond or Talc powder. It's the worst thing and yes - it stinks out the gym... GTFOH!
Dvir forgot to wipe his asshole! Now he's working out at the gym and he smells like fucken shitsweat! Damn coondog - ffs!
by BChatz September 14, 2012
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A lekker warm klap that hits you with brute force and sends you spinning on your axis before dropping you like a sack of potatoes.
Juslike! Piet got a poesklap from that dude! He didn't check it coming and it sent him spinning like a top. Piet shat his pants and dropped like a rock. Aira! That poesklap was a real tit shot to the jaw. Like Rocky Balboa.
by BChatz June 21, 2023
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