Soulful, kind, generous.
Loyal, good lover, absolutely comical.
Robie is like a pocketful of sunshine.
by Cupcake69 May 3, 2013
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Easy to talk to but always the one who gets ignored in group chats. Usually down to hang, but nobody wants to. Funny but sad dude. Always gets heartbroken, typically by a Ciara. Also a very terrible plan maker. He got a big heart tho.
Everyone : " Where should we go?"
Robie : " I don't know, i'm down for anything tbh"
by Abae November 26, 2017
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When something is so indie/hipster that the word indie or hipster doesn't even begin to describe it.
Robie Kid: I listen to The Shins, Chvrches, Smallpools and American Authors.

Normal Kid: Woah.... You're a fuckin' Robie
by Roder Sterling September 28, 2013
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Verb. To attend a conference or convention, but few or none of the actual meetings, in favor of a day at leisure.
Brad: Jerod, have you seen Snipes?

Jerod: No man, not all morning. He mentioned he might Roby this bitch. Let's go to the pool.
by Big Money Rich October 3, 2018
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- derived from the English surname big dick daddy, Roby’s are usually the most badass person in the room and usually acquiar the most ass on average. They like to party and are fierce bruski drinkers. Roby’s are often referred to as “dude, brah, and brahskigi” as they were the originators of those terms. Overall, they are just clean af.
Bro did you see Roby at that party, he’s a fuckin badass.
by Bruski Bro July 21, 2018
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Robi, she's the cuties most hottest girl. She's caring, funny, smart, loving, a good friend, and undeniably amazing! Sorry guys, she's all mine :) Unfortunately, the hotness scale does not have a number large enough for her, so after ten it's called a robi! I love you.
Oh is that Robi? I totally have the hotts for her.
by Farski April 20, 2009
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Drinks only Cedevita, and gives promo code to Mario. Doesn't smoke and is not a mechanic.
He's a Robi.
by Mszoo August 6, 2020
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