by Kennedi Greene September 27, 2007
This is when you reach back like a Pimp and slap the Bitch so hard in the fucking face that her gold Tooth falls out and then pick it up and take it to the pawn shop so you can go get youself a warm bottle of Kiwi Mad Dog.
by DR T. SANCHEZ May 2, 2003
general positive exclamation, used to express approval of something or to agree to something. Can be used the same way as words/phrases like cool, neat, thanks, groovy, far-out, awesome, I dig it, sick, dope, sounds good, sure, hot, etc.
A: hey man do you want some popcorn?
B: rizzo, thanks!
A: look at this new shirt I got!
B: oh dude that's rizzo
A: wanna check out the movies later?
B: rizzo yeah
A: ah man I met this real rizzo girl at the show last night
B: rizzo, thanks!
A: look at this new shirt I got!
B: oh dude that's rizzo
A: wanna check out the movies later?
B: rizzo yeah
A: ah man I met this real rizzo girl at the show last night
by tuffluck April 1, 2020
by Max September 27, 2003
by Kristina Delonge November 14, 2004
by Anton Birdski June 20, 2003