psychological operations
n. a military operation performed by a unit specializing in psychological warfare
n. military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments
The purpose of psychological operations (PSYOP) is to induce or reinforce behavior favorable to a nation's objectives. PSYOP can encourage popular discontent with the opposition's leadership and by combining persuasion with a credible threat, degrade an adversary's ability to conduct or sustain military operations.
by ViperGeek May 14, 2021
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Intelligence agency term for "psychological operation". A government or corporate-sponsored operation, usually taking the form of a "terrorist attack" or "crazed gunman on a spree", with the intent of panicking the public into demanding more police and laws inhibiting freedom. Psyops are usually carried out by drugging a civilian or group of civilians with aggression-promoting drugs, psyching them up, arming them, and sending them out to commit mayhem. Government-sponsored terrorism. See also blackshirts, conspiracy
Person A: Man, that nutcase Martin Bryant guy shot 35 people in Tasmania!

Person B: No, he wasn't a nutcase, that was just a psyop so the government could have an excuse to ban guns.
by Mystikan April 11, 2006
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-(n) an incubator for diseased ponies

-(v) to incubate diseased ponies

-(v) to actively disassociate from reality

-(n) a one-nut
He's such a psyop. He didn't even touch my girl parts.

by vagasil April 18, 2006
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Anything and everything I don't explicitly agree with.
"Oh Gregory supports accelerationism?"
"Yeah, guess he fell for another CIA psyop."
by Stephamphetamine July 30, 2021
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A few weeks ago, no one had “cheugy” in their vocabulary . Now everything is saturated with the word. It’s in our heads. It’s in our homes. Everyone is asking: “Am I cheugy? Am I a basic ass bitch? Am I GUILTY of being cheugy?”

The proliferation of cheugy in the mainstream discourse can only be attributed to one source: mental terror. It’s an orchestrated psychological trap to make you question your tastes and interests in the eyes of others.

You are not a cheug. YOU’RE PERFECT!
It is very suspicious that the cheugy mascot is a Minion, a literal cyclops, a deformed
yellow panopticon in overalls ... do not let the all-seeing eye to control you. Be vigilant. Resist cheugy psyops!

Becca is another victim of cheugy psyops. I saw the garbage truck take all her Ugg boots yesterday. She even removed “I LOVE The Office!” from all her dating profiles. She’s unrecognizable
by ♥🗺☠ May 21, 2021
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A shooting or terrorist attack that is actually false flag government psyop. Originating from terrorist Cesar Sayoc.
Oh that shooting? Probably a Cesar Psyop
by JackMoozlum April 13, 2022
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A few weeks ago, no one had “cheugy” in their vocabulary . Now everything is saturated with the word. It’s in our heads. It’s in our homes. Everyone is asking: “Am I cheugy? Am I a basic ass bitch? Am I GUILTY of being cheugy?”

The proliferation of cheugy in the mainstream discourse can only be attributed to one source: mental terror. It’s an orchestrated psychological trap to make you question your tastes and interests in the eyes of others.

You are not a cheug. YOU’RE PERFECT!!!!

It is very suspicious that the cheugy mascot is a Minion, a literal cyclops, a deformed
yellow panopticon in overalls ... do not let the all-seeing eye to control you. Be vigilant. Resist cheugy psyops.
Becca is another victim of cheugy psyops. I saw the garbage truck take all her Ugg boots yesterday. She even removed “I LOVE The Office!” from all her dating profiles. She’s unrecognizable.
by Sickomonster May 12, 2021
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