To get addicted of coffee.
I am procaffinated, are you a procaffinated?
by Rajat Pal December 1, 2015
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The inability to make a decision until you've had a cup of coffee.
Make me a coffe I'm flawed by procaffination today.
by Rikstir February 5, 2014
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(n.) one who puts off tasks until after the first cup of coffee or tea
I'm a procaffinator. I can't start my day without a cup of coffee
by madel97 January 18, 2016
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To sit around and drink coffee instead of getting things done. Can be done while reading or watching TV.
I had fifty things I needed to do, but instead I just sat around and procaffinated with a book and my favorite mug.
by Captain Nimbus September 2, 2013
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