A piece of crap that is so big and round that is shaped like a russet potato.
Katie was cleaning the bathroom and found a pootato floating in the toilet.
by Allisha Strombach December 11, 2004
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when you test drive a car, preferably an expensive one, but you drive away, stop off after awhile, take a shit in the glove box. and then return it and run off.
dude, last weekend i pootatoed one car at almost every car dealer!!
by FerociousRyan March 11, 2011
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When you take a dump after eating way to many french fries.
Dude, I took such a big pootato lst night.
by fbcmgps April 2, 2020
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Mashed POO-ta-TOES

The act of shitting in the shower, then mashing the poo down the drain with one's toes to destroy the evidence.
Jill enters the shower and says: "Why does it smell like shit in here?!"

Jack: "Sorry, I couldn't hold it. I had to do the mashed pootatoes."
by o2bsoulman February 9, 2010
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Also known as a pootato, a scat act of shitting out a turd the size of a potato, which is then used as a food, more along the lines of a potato.
Man 1: Your breath smells so bad, what did you eat?
Man 2: I ate an Idahoan pootato, what's wrong with that?
by Gryaskov January 10, 2021
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When you line up two buttholes and one person poops into the other and then the other poops back into them.
Those two dudes played “hot pootato” last night and passed the peanut with the corn on the side of you know what I mean.
by May 2, 2022
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