Absolutely wankered drunk. Unable to communicate effectively, sometimes through laughter and farts.
"Jaysus Sarah, I was doing handstands last night in the pub, I was pissed as a fart!!"
by bearhugstef October 11, 2013
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being completely off your face, so much so that you fart uncontrollably
Eh Will, I must've been pissed as a fart on Friday, I tried to Rugby tackle Martin in the pub!
by AlexRugger April 30, 2007
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1. Wasting time in a manner that annoys other people.
2. Lying to someone to rile them up.
by SS-man November 25, 2007
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Means to fart while pissing at any given time during the drainage of urine.
I just piss 'n farted!
by Quentin_B December 1, 2006
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To waste time or to work outside one's field of expertise.
Child: "Where's Dad?"
Mother: "Oh he's piss farting about in the kitchen trying to cook dinner"
by SgtKestrel September 17, 2006
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The act of letting out some urine when letting a huge fart

"ewww i dont needa kno that!"
by VillaPris February 3, 2007
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