Having a Ph.D at failing. That is to say, the person is BEYOND failure with lack of a saving grace in the eyes of others.

Often for a marginal error, lacking knowledge or logic based on a specific type of common sense or in some cases a life choice that may not be glorified by the "in" crowd.
1. Being a 40-year old virgin is a person who phails at life itself.

2. If you phail, you fail at failing and that's the worse.

3. Because you thought Master Chief would hit Smash Bros. Brawl, you phail to understand video games.

4. I asked for a hamburger and you put cheese on it when I didn't ask you to, you phail at taking orders.
by Maurice D. Guillory December 2, 2006
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a way of expressing extreme and/or pitiful failure. Also, failing so badly that the person who failed does not deserve the correct spelling of 'fail' and therefore the 'f' is substituted with a 'ph'.
"You fail....but it's so pitiful that you 'phail' with a 'ph'!"
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A level of fail that is between fail and epic fail.
He phailed at halo.
by DrBurst April 29, 2008
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the same as a fail, but spelled with a "PH" for emphasis.
"i locked myself out of my own house, PHAIL"
by fathead431 September 23, 2009
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"OMGzzzz! j00 phail at life!"

"s0rry, j00 ph413d!"


by TaKa MiChiNoKu January 14, 2005
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He phails at life, because he did not pass the math test.
by Anonymouss of Phail November 7, 2005
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a word used by a lot of faggots on the net. they think they "0wn" or "pwn" or anything else,but they just didnt REALLY know you.
alot of fags will use this kind of expression; "you phail at life" and it means they phail in life,and talk like a stylish fag.they also could say "you,my friend" or other fagish sentences.Leave them alone by,they wont harm anyone.
failure : you my friend,phail at life
normal people ; YOU,my friend,can suck my balls!
by Sabih November 21, 2007
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