• Description: Medical condition. A term used to describe the swollen female genitalia or anus after vigorous prolonged coitus with a very well-endowed male. CoPD Antonym; Cod

• Parameters:
o Female will complain about being swollen shut.
o Usually with a very large deposit of male DNA.
o Must meet the following triad:
 Length
 Girth
 And, incredible natural; albeit almost brutal; stamina.
o The female, through combined effort, will have achieved a minimum of 10 vaginal, clitoral, anal (or combined) orgasms. Orgasms achieved from any position; preferably many positions; with an emphasis on deep penetrating thrusts whereby the female aides by thrusting in conjunction with the male.
o Upon completion of the act, the male remains deep in the female until pulsations from male and female cease and the female Kegel muscle releases the male from her grasp.
o Upon withdrawal, the female swells shut, trapping the male deposit for a number of days depending upon the vigorousness of the session, duration, and volume of deposit.

• Adverse medical affects:
o Honeymoon cystitis.
o Development of a hyperactive female libido.
o Swollen, sore vaginal lips for days after (what am I saying??? I want that!)
o The woman is swollen. Urination is problematic.
o Walking for the female, may be an issue.
o May required longer periods of sleep after coitus.
"OMG he FUCKED me so hard he gave me Ultimate Pelvic Destruction (UPD)!
by General Buck Turgidson September 24, 2017
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When a man and woman are having love, they are both on there knee's doggie style facing away from each other then when they start to cum they both have diarhea on each other.
Kent gave Sally the tallahassee pelvic cruncher at my party the other day and left a real mess.
by roizilla October 31, 2007
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• Description: A male endowed with length, girth, and brutal natural stamina that lead to UPD. Not to be confused with Cod (note the small “d” for the small dick).
• Parameters:
o Must be able to bring the female to vast number of orgasms through deep penetrating thrusts with a session of great duration, consisting of many positions.
o Associated female remarks:
 “OMG!”
 “Is that going to fit?”
 “It has its own zip code
 “How do you walk with that?”
 “Is that a gun in your pocket? Or are you just happy to see me? Followed by: “Honey I just put the gun on the table, that is me” – True story!
Adverse medical affects:
o Honeymoon cystitis.
o Development of a hyperactive female libido.
o Swollen, sore vaginal lips for days after (what am I saying??? I want that!)
o The woman is swollen to the point where urinating is problematic.
o Walking, for the female, may be an issue.
OMG! You need to try this! His Cock of Pelvic Destruction (CoPD) causes UPD for days! True story!
by General Buck Turgidson September 24, 2017
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A significant other with whom you have sexual relations.
I once made the mistake of attempting to teach my pelvic associate how to speak a second language.
by bobsyouruncle68 May 21, 2011
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Fucking someone so hard you destroy their pelvis
That girl was giving me blueballs, so when she finally gave in, I carried out pelvic destruction.
by Ululu February 28, 2021
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She only let her romantic partners near her pelvic horn.
by MadamTSK March 14, 2016
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A fight issued between a man and a woman, often out of anger or frustration upon their counterpart. Demonstrated by the continual, often repetitive assault of one's pelvis against the other's. This act can be carried out with or without clothes on, but is more effective when nude. If done properly, neither opponent should be able to stand.

In a pelvic fight it is difficult to determine the winner. The one standing at the end should be the winner. However, if done properly and unable to move or stand, the winner is the one who ends up on top or in the more dominant position you end up being in.

If there are more than two combatants in this pelvic fight, then you must have a process of elimination, similar to the Super Bowl's tournament methods, up til you have two combatants going for the gold.
Did you hear about Britney Spears ending up in the Mental Ward? I bet she'll miss all the random pelvic fights she used to get into.

The Thunder Down Under group must have several homosexual pelvic fighter champions of the world.
by Seilka Dracon February 6, 2008
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