by lunar shadows September 17, 2004
A state of mind in which people believe that they are unstoppable and can do anything they want--and they do.
by kane April 28, 2003
by Anonymous August 28, 2003
Guy #1: Hey man, that guy is on fire
Guy #2: Holy crap! should we get a hose or something?
Guy #1: Naw, just tell him to stop, drop, and roll
Guy #2: Holy crap! should we get a hose or something?
Guy #1: Naw, just tell him to stop, drop, and roll
by Sean on Hartford May 5, 2006
doing very well
by The Return of Light Joker June 18, 2011
to wait for some thing worridly or afraid from some thing is very angry about some thing happen to him from his friend and will bunish him
i waited for my result on fire ,or, walied was on fire for knowing breaking of his watch,or, beacause of the bad weather my mother was on fire
by ALYAA March 23, 2007
(male) Incredibly and unbelievably homosexual
by tardo October 6, 2003