An ass kissing, self-inflated, "me first" son-of-a-bitch.
Jim, the office manager, was a total "ass wipe". You could always count on him to do whatever it took to may you look bad and him look good.
by fraterg May 12, 2003
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One who will wipe the ass of a superior in order to gain false ground.
tesoro is loaded with ass-wipes.
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a butt pluggin, rug munchin, ass hole son of a biatch.

or toilet paper
oo that ass wipe needs to go to a gay convention

who was the asswipe that didn't leave any asswipes in here?
by random thoughts August 16, 2003
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Ass Wipe can refer to several meanings:

1- The physical action of wiping your ass down

2-A cross between a human carpet, a kiss ass, a suckup, or any combination of the 3.
"That guy's such an ass wipe. He actually gives his teachers boxes of Ass Wipers. He even does the ass wiping!"
by Up4Ownage January 14, 2009
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