A nici smiles alot and knows how to make other people smile around them. generous and kind. natural leaders and is quick to decide on matters. A Nici is a charming girl with a heart of gold. nici is a shy one until you get to know her. Once you get to know a nici, she is crazy. A nici likes to shop and spend money but she can also be really lazy and lay in bed all day. A nici likes crappy rom-coms and good chick flick.
A nici is a goodin
by zoe9831 September 17, 2018
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A Nici is a charming girl with a heart of gold. She overly uses curse words. A Nici loves cowboy boots and blue jeans, and knows that she can exude a cute and happy sexiness no matter what she wears. A Nici is usually smart and silly
You won't find anyone like a Nici!
by Rebel90 December 23, 2016
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see neech, or snooch

a tiny girl with a big butt
that nici has a big booty
by spaceman sam March 9, 2008
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Soft caresses usually performed with the tips of one's fingers; light tickling.
Girl: *sigh* I'm bored. Hey, come give me nicies!
Boy: ...Uh. Sure.
by alli fc November 3, 2006
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Nici mostly girls sometimes Boys have big booty and doesn't like school.
Nici: boy like's to sleep.

Girl Ha big booty
by Niclas_the_human April 27, 2017
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The buzz from smoking cigarettes that new smokers get, that makes you a little wobbly and out of it. Something a seasoned smoker can only dream of.
*someone acting drunk after having a fag* "What's up with him?" "He's got a nici high. Man those were the days"
by Violetcat13 February 5, 2021
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Nicy Rizzo is a mysterious creature that might rape your cats next
by Snakey Sneak October 28, 2019
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