
a contraction of two words;
nic - short form for nicotine
fit - to freak out

when a person is jonesing for a cigarette.
do you have a smoke? I'm having a nic-fit
by Paul J Parkinson March 25, 2005
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Nic Fit

Common definition: How a smoker feels when they're irritable because they need a cigarette.

Underground definition: When a person snaps because they are really irritated or mad about something.
Ted: Nothing good has happened this year. People are acting like straight assholes everywhere I go. I haven't done anything wrong to anyone, but they keep pushing me.

Casey: What do you expect me to do about it?

Ted: Bail me out of jail.

Casey: Why?

Ted: Because I'm about ready to have a Nic Fit.
by Pony Battles July 27, 2020
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nic fit

That stupid saying when people need to smoke.
I am a weak bastard I must smoke I am having a nic fit.
by Randy March 15, 2005
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nic fit dick

The persona that emerges when a closet smoker is jonesing for a cigarette but must wait for a smoking opportunity. In the meanwhile, he is a total dick to everyone.
"Why did Dad spike those hedge clippers into the ground and nearly sever his foot?"
"He badly needs a smoke but won't admit it. He's being a total Nic Fit DICK!"
by Witty Mommy April 1, 2015
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The fit you throw when you clearly need nicotine, and cannot clearly express the fact, because you haven't had nicotine. Nic-fit.
Stay away from Jane today, she's broke til Thursday and out of smokes!!

-watch out, she might throw a nic-fit
by SweetNightMare April 18, 2024
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