Adj. nay-ze
A word equivalent to the superlative of all positive adjectives.
1. "That girl over there is naize!"
"dude that chick was a guy"
2. "I am the naize at extreme knitting on ice"
"yeah if only you were the naize at getting mates"
by T-J August 7, 2006
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A word used in situations where "nice" fails to convey the extremely positive nature of something. There is great variation in pronounciation, as one may emphasise the nnnnaaaaaiiiii, or alternatively, accentuate the zzzzzeeeeee.
Hacky: BRB visiting the doctor.... of pepper. Naize.
Slicky: Nnnnnnaaaaiiiiizee.
by Getting slicky with it. September 29, 2010
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nahyus –adjective

To describe something awesome, delightful and agreeable.
by naiiiizzzz October 5, 2010
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The art of applying mayonnaise to oneself or others, forcefully.
I done naized this bitch the other day.

National mayonnaise day is my favorite day to get naized.
by naized4life September 12, 2014
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Bro, stop being naiz today, nobody will like you then
by Someone from this world March 3, 2019
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Naiz-ness is the suffix, derived from "naiz", which is used to describe a state, condition, quality that is awesome and fun.
That person is naiz-ness. (awesome, cool, and arguably one of the best things that can happen to you)
by WDK_econ101 May 31, 2011
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When your man juices congeal to a custardy substance and it gits all thick like mayonnaise.
Yo, J'nielle! Dat dime was so poppin last nite dat I couldn't even make it. My man-naize got all over her belly.
by Joe876543 October 12, 2013
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