
Abbreviation for Nice One.

See also NW and WP.
Cheers m8, n1!
by Bruce Lee March 30, 2003
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Another componant of 1337 speak commonly used in online games (especially Counter-Strike). Has also found its way into

Stands for 'nice one', and can be used in many different contexts.
"n1 m8, cya @ 8!"


"ns, n1 m8!"
by daveeee July 13, 2004
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Nice 1 (one)

mostly refering to a ---- Nice Shot ----
by RauL November 15, 2003
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Definition "Nice One", is using for a good frag or good Trick.
for any First Person Shoter Game, like Quake 3 Arena, DeFRaG, Call of Duty , etc..
n1! dude.. nice moves
by Matt Gregor October 23, 2006
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when someone says something good or takes a shot at someone and you'd feel obligated to say 'nice one'

short for nice one.
me: oh dood i saw this guy with an ill stash and i screamed at him, NICE STASH FATSO!
james: n1.
by rayjay April 4, 2006
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Often used online especially by gamers to mean "number 1"
by Daodeching May 8, 2017
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Used to refer to a film which does well.
"Jaws is a total N1".
by chief brodie August 19, 2008
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