A place where rebels go to meet more rebels.
Whoa, I like your piercings. Now what's your stand on the system?
by Matt I April 25, 2005
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Number 1 source for pointless information on people you've never even spoken to. Often new users will announce random details in their life that no one really cares about.
A: Guess what! Danny got Direct TV!
B: Really, how do you know?
A: MySpace man!
by ABman March 31, 2009
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something that no one uses any more
Tim: "Hey, Mike, u should add me on myspace".
Mike: "what the fuck is this 'myspace'"?
by Bang Bang Maxwell Hammer January 24, 2011
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A place for hundreds and thousands of scene, indie, wannabe kids who just love taking their photo from a height. A place where you add whoever just because you're having a competition with people to see who can get the most friends when really, you only know about 50 friends out of your 12,488. A place where girls can quite easily get away with being a slut in their photos. A place where when you log on and have new photo comments your life is just made. MySpace is a place where you post pointless bulletins with stupid messages inside. Usually something along of the lines of "pc4pc" - For those who don't know what that is, it is basically "oh please comment my new photo and I'll return your photo too!"
MySpace is a place where you put a caption under your photo like "look so ugly on here!!!" just so you get 10,000 comments saying how stunning you are (not in real life though, but hey! Who cares, you don't know them anyway!)

Fun place is MySpace.
I love MySpace so much, I'm a 15 year old girl who takes dead mint photos and edits them to shit so you think I'm hot! PC4PC!?
by Toriii984 April 14, 2011
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A communication website. That's all it is. But yet we have these obsessive people over it, along with the haters. The haters amuse the hell out of me. HAHA! If you have that serious obsession to put down Myspace, then you might as well be one of its corruptors. Cause you're already spending your time talking and complaining about how 'gay' and 'pathetic' it is.
The obsessors- people with no lives or too many friends that you have to communicate by computer with.
MYSPACE is there whether you want it or not.
I have a Myspace and FaceBook. What now?
Girl: OMFG! Did you get on Myspace last night? LMAO!

Whiny Chick: Ew, i fucking hate Myspace. Facebook is soooo much more mature. I mean come on, who wants some whiny little kid asking to 'cmnt my pics!!' ?

Some random Dude: Hey babe, do you have a Myspace? We could totally Cyber. ;)
by !kaylaahh February 14, 2008
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A place for friends...

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Its just another competition to see who has the most friends, who is the most popular, and much more pointless things.

Lately, you see a lot of "emo/goth" pictures set on default. You get, like, 300 friends and then put on your status: "I'm so pissed off right now. I need someone to talk to." Chances are that not even half of your "friends" will care.

Do yourself a favor. Add friends you actually KNOW and talk to. Its a great tool to get reconnected with people you've lost contact with, but why not pick up the phone, send a letter, or e-mail them instead?

Its good when you have around 25 friends, but you actually know each of them. The "friends" you get that you really don't talk to or even know are pointless.
Girl One: I have 1,205 friends on Myspace! What about you?

Boy: I have 42.

Girl Two: That's it? What a loser!

Boy: At least one of my friends on Myspace won't end up being a 40 year old stalker.
by SmileEveryDay March 15, 2009
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In the words of Eleventyseven: "Tell me all about yourself. Tell me all about your favorite bands and how they're super, indie, neo, hardcore. Tell me all about your favorite hobbies and the way you love sunsets. Well who doesn't? Still I'd like the chance to really see if what you say is true and has integrity. Cuz I could know everything about you and still know nothing at all. I know that it's wrong to form an opinion on only what I see, but in my defense it's really hard to know when MySpace is the only thing that you ever show. So it seems you've got a lot of friends. How many of them know you or even care if you're alive or dead? When was the last time you were honest instead of posting blogs of fake emotions? When you finally resurface to the point of finding purpose, we'll begin to see just who you are."
MySpace is a social networking website started by Tom.
by MusicianChick June 9, 2006
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