The aboriginal legend himself. He goes by the names of The Tracker, The Kangaroo Killer or of course moodoo.
Moodoo killed 17 kangaroos with one spear
by MoodooGamingYT September 2, 2017
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Moodoo is magic that cows do. they make magic beef. otherwise known as beef magic.
WOW! That cow just did some serious MOODOO!!!
by Mysterious Individual October 29, 2004
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Are you in Moodoo? It's only the best guild ever.
by sabriena January 8, 2008
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A tradition that was established in Vermont, when three New Orleans funk musicians joined forces with a jam band legend.
I am going to catch some MOODOO in either Troy, NY, NYC, NY, Providence, RI or Burlington, VT in September.
by MOODOO August 13, 2008
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The feeling you have heard this shit before and already know how it's going to end.
Beth is always complaining and saying she hates her relationship with Mike. Then turns around and makes up, never doing anything about the relationship she says she hates, and wants to leave. Same Deja Moodoo all the time
by surfgirl420 September 2, 2010
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Alternate pronunciation of "Metal Water", often spoken after drinking water that contains so strong of a metallic flavor that it rusts your tongue, causing the slurred effect. Common in college dorm living.
blah! This is gross moodoo woodoo, they can't afford to filter shit at this poor ass school!
by joosoon November 1, 2013
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