by Cabron December 6, 2004
by Tim1936 December 19, 2006
1) Mung-ger: Someone who mongers(sells) something, for example fish-monger, ironmonger,whoremonger, assmonger, cockmonger
2) Mong-er: A mentally challenged person,retard,spaz,mongoloid(from which the word is derived)
2) Mong-er: A mentally challenged person,retard,spaz,mongoloid(from which the word is derived)
by Baron Von Batwing January 16, 2005
1. One who enjoys hoarding things or accumulating stuff. 2. One who becomes obsessive about an act, concept, or idea.
by boss-daddy from Louisville, KY July 19, 2003
by Hightvoltage Alan July 7, 2006
a carniverous, african kangaroo with 3 rows of teeth. it usually eats its prey in one bite. the babies are called josphines.
by me January 6, 2005