
Slang for I want to be homosexually penetrated really hard.
Person 1: mid
Person 2: alright, tonight then.
by ReginaldSmithson November 17, 2021
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word used to discredit someone or something, as to say mediocre
KTM: my favorite singer is Justin Bieber
KTV: Jb is mid dude
by yvng.lore January 22, 2022
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A word twitter uses to describe something when they really don’t know how to feel.
“Hey you listen to that new Playboi Carti song @meh, I really liked it”

“Nah it was mid the people I follow on Twitter say so
by blickygotthestiffyuh April 19, 2020
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marijuana that is somewhat stronger than reggie. the level of thc and cannabinoids are higher than other weeds. the color is usually a lighter green than regular weed, most authentic midget is a whitish, yellowish color. very stank. not exotic but good.
yo you got mid? ten a blunt nigga. word.
by 7-4tildaworld6low May 15, 2009
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Adjective, used to describe something boring, uninteresting or poor quality.
Mainly used by Gen Z or younger.
Person 1: Did you like the new movie?
Person 2: No, it was kind of mid.
by SomeoneElse42 June 15, 2023
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a mainstream song drifting away from usual style resulting in a lower quality song than what the artist is capable of to appease the bigger crowd
"Dude Mustafa, Cudi really released a mid yesterday "
by travisisthegreatestbruh July 10, 2020
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What unhappy men who don't get outside much and don't interact with real women say about women they don't have a chance with (usually celebrities that are way above them) in online comments and social media to feel better themselves and their station in life. They believe calling women mid actually changes the value of said woman.
"She's MID bro. Let's go and play our anime and video games and avoid social interaction with real women."
by ZetaCancri August 31, 2023
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