by maximilian ostrusska January 16, 2022
Musician and writer. With impeccable hearing. Lives for each moment and is in his own personal bubble of life. He’s funny, doesn’t kiss and tell, doesn’t fall in any category but his own Mr.mysterious, Mr. Grey, and James Bond. At the end had me saying random words as I took a walk on the wild side. Red pill toes curled broke my mind. Best thing is his secrets stay with him with no repercussions. Just between one another. He doesn’t judge, just lets u be u lest loose live a little. Never disturbed or walked in on some how he’s got something so rare and out of this world. A legend in the making. Old school made new. The kinda guy I loose all control and love it cuz he’s in control. Pillow talk. 😍
Omg, don’t stop Maximilian Jin foster
Girl you have no idea, my eyes rolled back, squirted, and blacked out. Told me I was speaking gibberish. He stoped and asked if I was ok. Then kept going! Omg if you only new how it felt!!
Girl you have no idea, my eyes rolled back, squirted, and blacked out. Told me I was speaking gibberish. He stoped and asked if I was ok. Then kept going! Omg if you only new how it felt!!
by Jessicaroleplay😘 February 1, 2021
Maximilian Caine Meier is a problem.
by Fjfdjgsrijogrejiogreioj October 13, 2020
Person1: Hey Thomas Maximilian Paluchniak! ur name is like Thomas the Train!
Me: Stfu nigga. *pulls out the glock and shoots down the block*
Me: Stfu nigga. *pulls out the glock and shoots down the block*
by Revveio May 6, 2023
he is an absolute lad with a penis ranging from 100 - 110 inches. also he is well fit and has at least 5 girls on him at a time.
person 1: look its maximilian james robert haley!
person 2: you dont say look how many girls their are... and the size of those trousers!
person 2: you dont say look how many girls their are... and the size of those trousers!
by jessssssss da bruda November 12, 2013
Alexander Maximilian Peter Schulze aus Scharnitz is the most beautiful, handsome, smart, rich, strong, tall and sympathetic person you will ever meet. He is everyones bestfriend and he will help you in hard and good times. He also has bitcoin and Mcdonalds shares and is very rich. He also is the most charismatic, sweet and romantic person on the world.
Boran: Hey colin look at that guy, what do you think about him?
Colin: Wow thats such an Alexander Maximilian Peter Schulze aus scharnitz, i would like to be friends with him.
Colin: Wow thats such an Alexander Maximilian Peter Schulze aus scharnitz, i would like to be friends with him.
by TheTerminator3000 April 30, 2023
Maximiliane is a smart, lovely,funny girl with big boobs. Her hair is curly und her eyes are green or brown. She likes to party and is always the first person in trying something new. She has crazy thoughts, especially when she is stoned.
by Määäxxx January 6, 2017