The last name of the guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen. An amazing guitarist than can play with an amazing tone really fast. He has amazing technicality and plays evenly and with great feeling. Also known for playing, on his guitar, classics such as Flight of the Bumblebees and Toccata in Fugue. To the guitar world he is a guitar hero. Although there are still many a jealous that go around the internet and spite him in their misery.
by Oolycks August 17, 2007
To very closely imitate or copy directly. Named for Yngwie Malmsteen, a lightspeed guitarist who imitated under-rated guitar hero Ritchie Blackmore and Paganini, and got hailed as the king of neo classical for it.
by James C January 19, 2005
The fjory!!!!!
You've released the fucking fjory! You've unleashed the fucking fjory!--Yngwie, to a woman on a plane coming back from Tokyo.
by Viking August 6, 2003
If a posseur got within 1.5 kilometres of Yngwie Malmsteen while he was playing his mighty axe, they'd catch alite and die.
by Fryhtanic September 29, 2003
Neo Classical Guitarist
Created the genre known as "shred" in which the guitarist plays various difficult scales and harmonies...
Many people believe his music is repetitive and others think he is too arrogant for his own good
Created the genre known as "shred" in which the guitarist plays various difficult scales and harmonies...
Many people believe his music is repetitive and others think he is too arrogant for his own good
by Junglemanchild January 26, 2005
by Da Dude October 18, 2003
Really REALLY fucking fast neo-classical percision guitar soloist.
Can play more notes than you can register in your head.
Can play more notes than you can register in your head.
by Nitro March 3, 2003