Dank Malarky

anything inappropriate but still funny
dressing up as hello kitty at a Japanese business interview.
parking in a disabled spot dressed in overalls yelling profanities at a cactus.
dressing up as a fish to a funeral for a guy who drowned alive.
Justin: hey James wanna get up to some Dank Malarky?

James: yeah what if we dress up like ladies and have casual sex with paying men.
Justin: I guess
by weedhead11111111111111111 February 6, 2018
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darky malarky

1. When a bunch of homies are totally talking shit usually knowing nothing about the subject

2. A conversation among homies in which every word used is ghetto ebonics so it's impossible for a literate person to understand it.
1. Homey 1 - Man dey need to erase all Babe Ruth's cause he never had to face Satchell Page.
Homey 2 - Damn straight...he'd have less tha half dat many home runs if he played Satch.
Educated person 1 - What are those dumb asses talking about
Educated person 2 - Don't worry, it's just darky malarky
Educated person 1 - That's what I figured

2. Homey 1 - That muthafucka was bojangin my chicken little in da fat ride wit da banging hoes and jockin my gat
Homey 2- I hears ya my brutha
Literate Person 1 - Are you gentleman serious or is this conversation a bunch of darky malarky
Homies together - WTF?
by BleeJay April 3, 2008
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Cut the malarky

to be slightly lesbian in your ways
lena decided to cut the malarky last night, little bitch.
by lenaology March 22, 2007
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Malarky Nuget Crunch

Mmmm... This Malarky Nuget Crunch is great!
Pass me the Malarky Nuget Crunch!
by lokijki January 27, 2008
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From the latin "marcus sparticus swe'disceranus" This is the ultimate nickname to give someone, and only once you have reached mach 3.9991347592 can u achieve this...(see definition of mach rating)
a man was walking down the street. He saw a guy with long blonde hair crossing the road. As he saw this he exclaimed, "The saviour has arisen! long live lord Marc the Sparc malarky clown swedisco dmitri goddess...
by Staaaaani June 19, 2004
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The explanation was malarkie and filled a void.
by ='srtrx September 7, 2019
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