34 definitions by weedhead11111111111111111

do you smoke a bong?
do I smoke a bong?
does that guy smoke a bong?
does she smoke a bong?
does that tranny smoke a bong?
does that fat black lesbian smoke a bong?
does that mentally retarded pigeon smoke a bong?
does that guy released from prison after serving his sentence of marijuana abuse smoke a bong?
many questions this has been a life lesson by sKuGlOoL.
Jordan: I made that pigeon smoke my weed.
Cameron: what happened?
Jordan: it died.
by weedhead11111111111111111 March 14, 2018
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first you must dress in a suit made out of condoms then run up to the nearest walmart, big w, kmart or JB hifi at night and break in and steal a iPhone x to look up bestiality porn in church on their wifi and when the pastor asks you "what are you doing" you say "the holy rubber roll".
Jason: hey ben I succeeded doing the holy rubber roll .
Ben: yeah man
Jason: yeah but I got arrested can you pay my fee to get me out of prison? please?
by weedhead11111111111111111 February 27, 2018
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someone with a nice rounded buttery cream puff (pussy) and nice cherry donuts on top (boobs) and some nice cream buns (ass) that you just wanna eat up and beat up starting off with your tongue licking up the buttery cream puff up and down until it spurts out whipped cream on your face then start licking the cherry donuts then start nibbling on the cream buns until she says "ouch what the fuck are you doing?!" then slap her in the face.
Josh : I gave a girl the LUMP SATISIFIER
Sarah: yeah thanks it was nice.
Josh: your a hore Sarah.
slutmoth ballbag looking tit fanny eat my ass like a cupcake and shut the nigga dick up bitch and fuck this shit im out
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firstly piss on your left hand, then pick up your phone with only the palm of your left hand, while positioning your right hand on the back of the phone and with your left hand swipe up and down several times and todah! custom splashscreen for mobile
mondieu on construct 3: How to make custom splashscreen for mobile?

me: hahaha i know how :)
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jrfjkjkcv mv jmcjmcv kv hkcf ujcrfcdr
The United States is a federal republic in which the president, Congress,

The executive branch is headed by the President and is formally independent of both the legislature and the judiciary. The cabinet serves as a set of advisers to the President. They include the Vice President and heads of the executive departments. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch (or judiciary), composed of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power. The judiciary's function is to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches. The federal government's structure is codified in the Constitution.

jhmnxcjjhdcrjhcfujhcf jv
by weedhead11111111111111111 April 24, 2018
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Ben: I trolled a burns victims ward about my dead baby getting burnt alive you shoulda seen there face
Lucy: but your online how can you see there face
Lucy: what????
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