justin langer

a condom- originates from the name of an Australian cricket player, Justin Langer. Term developed in Western Australia.
by freedy12345 September 15, 2009
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Langer Banger

a stud, a man very smooth with the ladies
that handsome man is such a Langer Banger
by langerbanger August 29, 2008
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Hang a Langer

A direction given from a drunk person, to best describe which way to go while being given a ride home.
Driver: Whats the best way to get you home?
Drunk: Dude, just hang a Langer up here.
Driver: What?
by Cootie Coot "Cooter" November 14, 2008
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A Person who is of homosexual origin, some one who is acting the fool
by Slim shaney November 23, 2006
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Maltese Langers

Pool player who cannot avoid potting the white on important shots. Tends to lose out to thegreatgatsby on RTG powerplays.
"Look, John, he's potted the white again."
"Yes, Dennis, how many times are we going to see him do that?"
by thegreatgatsby October 24, 2003
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Langer banger

A threesome sex move that involves two girls engaging in a sexual manner ( giving a hand job or blow job) while the guy takes a shit. This is very close to a blumpkin, the main difference being the fact that there are two girls instead of only one.
Those two sluts just gave him a langer banger. He's a fucking champ.
by Langer banger 4 April 22, 2010
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1. a girl who is easy to get beej's and handsies from

2. rapeable as well as dateable

3. you can take her home to mom, but you can also give her roofies and take her home to your boys

4. usually smart... in school
did you read about that s-langer who fell victim to that serial rapist yesterday? poor girl.
by frozensoup June 2, 2009
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